Sunday, January 31, 2010

Everything happens in your head

Is our current state of awareness and sense of reality any more real or different than what we experience in a dream? When we wake up in the morning and go about our daily life, are we just passing through another dreamlike state? Is it ever possible for anyone else to totally and truly imagine or understand your dream or your reality? Mooji addresses these intriguing issues in his unique, logical, and compassionate style.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wisdom in Daily Life -

Eckhart Tolle encourages us to take advantage of any experience, no matter how short or mundane, to develop higher awareness. Significant for the seeker is that he says, it is more important to practice developing higher awareness as often as possible, rather than as long as possible. This is an important distinction for motivating frequent practice, learning and progress.

Attachment and desire create your universe - Ram Dass

We all have the ability to choose our experience and the state of our consciousness. We can all be living in the same place yet experience anything existing or happening in that space in a unique way. That is why different artists can paint the same scene in realistic or abstract styles, poets can write about life with hope or despair, and different people watching the same movie may laugh or cry at the very same scene. Our interpretation of reality, and our resulting experience of it, depends on the state or quality of our awareness . Thus, if we alter our awareness, we alter what we see, and open up a new reality.

The End of Suffering -

Unhappiness, pain and suffering are warning and guiding signs that something in us needs attention. These uncomfortable feelings are letting us know that there is another way of looking at what we imagine to be reality.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eckhart Tolle - The Simple truth

Eckhart Tolle - The Simple truth

Excellent full length interview to get acquainted with Eckhart Tolle, his life and his teachings.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Power of The Thought

Here Mooji explains how to view the thinking process and how anyone can escape being distracted or controlled by unwanted thoughts. Great advice for anyone who wants to transcend a particular stream of consciousness for another preferred path. Mooji describes how all thoughts gain power from the importance and meaning we ascribe to them, and then provides insight on how we can choose which thoughts we want to give more attention to. What thoughts would you like to trade today?

Bono recites Bukowski

Poem: "A roll of the dice." Bukowski advised us to "Go all the way", before Nike told us all to "Just do it." In this poem, recited by Bono, Bukowski tells us to be prepared to make trades and sacrifices in order to go after what we truly want. Is it possible not to have to sacrifice? Is it possible to have it all? As Steven Wright once said, "We can't have everything, because if we could, we wouldn't know where to put it." So for everything received, something is given up.

Charles Bukowski "Bluebird."

Charles Bukowski led a hard life of emotional suffering stemming back to his childhood. In his early years he had more to express than it seemed people close to him, even his father, cared to hear. Yet despite a depressive upbringing, he was self-driven and pushed himself forward to share his feelings and let others know they are not alone in their personal suffering and private pain. In "Bluebird", Bukowski beautifully conveys the feeling of wanting to share personal feelings but wondering if it is safe to do so. What is in your heart wanting to get out? Is it safer to hold it in or more safe to let it out?